In the supernatural thriller film Child of Satan (2017), an unexpected incident during her baby shower sends Allison, a compassionate nurse, to the hospital. Following the premature birth of her son Neron, strange occurrences begin to unfold. Allison experiences illusions, intense dreams, and unexplained deaths that are somehow connected to her newborn. She starts having premonitions that reveal the identity of Neron's next victim.
Recognizing a malevolent force within the child, Reverend Jones (played by Eric Roberts) becomes determined to free Neron from this evil influence. He embarks on a quest to save the baby, using any means necessary. As the events unfold, Allison becomes increasingly aware of the sinister power that Neron possesses.
Child of Satan keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow Allison's journey to uncover the truth behind her son's disturbing abilities and the dark forces that surround him. With suspenseful twists and unexpected turns, this supernatural thriller explores the lengths a desperate mother and a determined reverend are willing to go to protect those they love.
Experience the gripping and ominous world of Child of Satan as you witness the battle between good and evil unfold. Can Allison and Reverend Jones succeed in saving Neron from his malevolent fate? Tune in to find out.