In the animated film Chicken Little (2005), a once-beloved chicken named Chicken Little finds himself in a dire situation. After a mishap at his school's baseball game, he unintentionally triggers widespread panic, leading everyone in town to believe that the sky is falling. As a result, Chicken Little becomes the laughingstock of the community, and his reputation is in ruins.
However, his chance for redemption arises when he discovers evidence of an alien invasion. Determined to save his town and restore his honor, Chicken Little embarks on a mission to alert his fellow citizens about the impending danger. Along the way, he assembles a team of unlikely heroes, including his loyal friends Abby Mallard, Runt of the Litter, and Fish Out of Water.
Together, they face a series of entertaining and comedic challenges as they try to outsmart the aliens and protect their home. With their courage and wit, the group of misfits must prove themselves as true heroes and save the day.
Chicken Little is a heartwarming and humorous film that teaches valuable lessons about courage, friendship, and never giving up, even when faced with adversity. With its visually appealing animation, delightful characters, and engaging storyline, this family-friendly movie is sure to delight audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Chicken LittleRelease Date:
06 Oct 2005Writers:
Mark Dindal, Mark Kennedy, Steve BencichAwards:
4 wins & 15 nominations