Chemical Hearts (2020) is a heartfelt coming-of-age film centered around a high school transfer student who discovers a newfound sense of purpose through her involvement in the school newspaper. Set in the backdrop of adolescent emotions, this story explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery with sensitivity and depth.
As the film unfolds, we are introduced to Henry Page, an aspiring writer and senior at the local high school. He becomes captivated by Grace Town, the enigmatic and mysterious new girl in school who walks with a limp. As their paths intertwine, Henry becomes determined to uncover the truth behind Grace's guarded demeanor.
Against the backdrop of editing and publishing the school newspaper, their relationship blossoms, paving the way for a powerful exploration of their vulnerabilities and the complexities of young love. As they grapple with personal tragedies and navigate the trials and tribulations of teenage life, Henry and Grace embark on a transformative journey that will test their resilience and shape their futures.
Directed by Richard Tanne and based on the novel Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland, Chemical Hearts is a poignant and authentic portrayal of adolescent emotions, relationships, and finding one's voice amidst the chaos of growing up. This emotionally charged film is a must-watch for fans of heartfelt coming-of-age stories.
Also Known As:
Chemical HeartsRelease Date:
21 Aug 2020Writers:
Richard Tanne, Krystal Sutherland