Catch Me If You Claus (2023) follows the story of Avery Quinn, an aspiring news anchor who is on the verge of her big break. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she catches a home intruder wearing a red suit, claiming to be Santa's son, Chris. Determined to make her mark as a journalist, Avery decides to investigate this mysterious intruder and his seemingly outrageous claim.
As Avery delves deeper into the story, she uncovers a series of events that challenge her skepticism. She soon finds herself embarking on a wild adventure to uncover the truth behind Chris' identity and his connections to the legendary Santa Claus.
Along the way, Avery encounters numerous obstacles and unexpected twists, forcing her to question everything she thought she knew about Christmas and the existence of Santa's son. With each revelation, she becomes more invested in exposing the truth while also grappling with her own beliefs and the impact they may have on others.
Catch Me If You Claus is an enchanting holiday film that combines humor, suspense, and heartwarming moments. It explores themes of belief, family, and the power of the holiday spirit. Can Avery prove that Chris is indeed Santa's son? Or will she discover something even more extraordinary? Find out in this captivating adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Also Known As:
Catch Me If You ClausRelease Date:
23 Nov 2023Writers:
Nina Weinman