Synopsis: Carnaval (2021) is a spirited and uplifting comedy that follows a popular influencer named Nina as she embarks on a transformative adventure during Brazil's vibrant Carnival. After experiencing a painful breakup, Nina decides to gather her closest friends and escape to Bahia for a free trip full of fun, music, and self-discovery.
Throughout their journey, the group encounters a series of hilarious and unexpected situations. While initially focused on capturing the perfect Instagram moments, Nina slowly realizes that life goes beyond the superficial world of social media. As the friends immerse themselves in the rich culture, music, and traditions of Carnival, they begin to appreciate the authentic connections and experiences that it offers.
Carnaval takes viewers on a colorful journey, showcasing the stunning landscapes of Brazil and the lively energy of Carnival. Through Nina's personal growth, the movie explores themes of friendship, love, and self-acceptance. With its vibrant visuals, infectious musical numbers, and heartfelt moments, Carnaval is a delightful celebration of life, reminding us all to embrace our true selves and find joy in the simplest of moments. Join Nina and her friends in this unforgettable adventure that will leave you dancing and smiling.
Also Known As:
CarnavalRelease Date:
02 Jun 2021Writers:
Lipy Adler, Peu Barbalho, Audemir Leuzinger