Caprica is a captivating science fiction television series set in a peaceful planet called Caprica, where two prominent families, the Graystones and the Adamas, live side by side. The series revolves around a groundbreaking advancement in artificial intelligence that has profound ramifications for their world.
The Graystones, a wealthy and influential family, are at the forefront of developing virtual reality technology that blurs the lines between the physical and digital realms. Daniel Graystone, the brilliant and ambitious patriarch, seizes the opportunity to integrate his revolutionary creation with a duplicate of his deceased daughter's personality, leading to unforeseen consequences.
On the other hand, the Adama family faces its own struggles. Joseph Adama, a brilliant defense attorney haunted by past traumas, finds himself drawn into the world of terrorism, driven by a desire for revenge against the Graystones. His son, William, also known as Bill, gets entangled in a dangerous path that has far-reaching consequences for the future of Caprica.
As these two families navigate personal and societal challenges, they uncover a deeper conspiracy that threatens the stability of their world. With themes of ethics, religion, and the nature of humanity, Caprica explores the complexities of technology's impact on society.
With its thought-provoking premise and rich character development, Caprica offers a compelling and immersive viewing experience that will leave audiences questioning the boundaries of science, morality, and the human condition.
Also Known As:
CapricaRelease Date:
22 Jan 2010Writers:
Remi Aubuchon, Ronald D. MooreAwards:
Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 1 win & 9 nominations total