Candy (2006) is a captivating Australian film that tells the story of a man who becomes infatuated with two addictions: a woman named Candy and heroin. The film is narrated by the male protagonist, whose journey takes a drastic turn as he becomes consumed by his dual obsessions.
Set in Sydney, the narrative follows the transformation of the narrator from a witty and sarcastic individual to a desperate addict yearning for his next fix. Likewise, Candy undergoes her own metamorphosis, transitioning from an actress, to a call girl, and even a madwoman.
As their addictions intensify, the couple's last resort is to move to Melbourne in an effort to get clean. However, their attempts prove unsuccessful, pushing them into a downward spiral of seeking both money and drugs. In this descent, their material possessions and personal attachments become inconsequential, overshadowed by their overpowering addictions.
Candy is an emotional and gripping film that delves into the dark and destructive world of drug addiction. It explores the complexities of love, desire, and the destructive nature of substance abuse. This visually stunning and poignant drama takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride through the characters' highs and lows, offering a compelling portrayal of the human struggle against addiction.