C/O Segemyhr (1998) is a hilarious Swedish sitcom that revolves around the lives of four individuals sharing an apartment, leading to a series of amusing and light-hearted situations. The four roommates couldn't be more different from each other, adding an extra layer of comicality to their interactions.
Fredrik, the apparent owner of the apartment, carries an air of superiority, further contributing to the entertaining dynamics within the household. However, he is currently stuck between two jobs, causing additional chaos and confusion.
Fredrik's girlfriend, Cilla, is less than thrilled about sharing their living space with others. She wishes for a private and peaceful living arrangement with Fredrik, without the presence of his boorish brother, Jan-Olof, and the young cab driver, Anton.
Jan-Olof, with his uncouth manners, adds a touch of rudeness to the mix. Meanwhile, Anton, the junior member of the group, brings his own quirks and idiosyncrasies as a cab driver.
Viewers can expect countless moments of laughter and entertainment as these diverse individuals navigate their daily lives under one roof. C/O Segemyhr promises an engaging and comedic experience, showcasing the ups and downs of living with a cast of characters that couldn't be more different from each other.