In the quirky and suspenseful comedy Burn After Reading (2008), a disk containing top-secret information from a CIA agent accidentally falls into the hands of two bumbling gym employees. As their greed and ignorance collide, they hatch a plan to sell the valuable disk. But little do they know, their actions set off a chain of absurd events that involve a desperate and alcoholic former CIA analyst, a womanizing and narcissistic Treasury agent, and a Cold War veteran who is convinced that everyone is after him.
Directed by the Coen brothers, this dark comedy showcases their signature blend of humor and suspense. With an all-star cast including George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, and John Malkovich, the film brilliantly explores themes of deception, vanity, and government bureaucracy.
Burn After Reading takes the audience on an unpredictable and hilarious ride as the characters' misguided efforts to manipulate and profit from the stolen information inevitably lead to unforeseen consequences. As tensions rise and loyalties shift, viewers are left questioning who is in control and what the ultimate outcome will be.
With its sharp dialogue, witty humor, and memorable performances, Burn After Reading is a must-watch for fans of smart and offbeat comedies. Get ready to embrace the chaos and enjoy this clever satire on espionage and the human condition.
Also Known As:
Burn After ReadingRelease Date:
12 Sep 2008Writers:
Joel Coen, Ethan CoenAwards:
8 wins & 32 nominations total