Buba is a hilarious comedy film set in a small town, offering a unique twist on the classic con artist story. The protagonist, a small-town hustler, finds himself caught up in the local mafia's affairs when he decides to team up with his manipulative brother. However, his life takes a comical turn when his obsession with balancing his karma comes into play.
As the story progresses, viewers are taken on a wild journey filled with exaggerated humor and unexpected plot twists. The con artist's attempts to do good and make amends for his misdeeds lead to hilariously brutal consequences. The film expertly blends comedy, action, and suspense to keep audiences captivated throughout.
With its unique premise and witty dialogue, Buba offers an entertaining and light-hearted viewing experience. The film's hilarious moments, coupled with its underlying themes of karma and redemption, make it a must-watch comedy for audiences of all ages.
Featuring a talented cast and witty writing, Buba offers a fresh take on the con artist genre, delivering laughs and surprises along the way. Audiences can expect an enjoyable and comedic experience that will leave them wanting more.
Also Known As:
BubaRelease Date:
03 Aug 2022Writers:
Sebastian Colley, Isaiah Michalski