Bruised is a riveting drama that follows the journey of a fallen Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter named Jackie Justice Green, played by Halle Berry. Once a successful athlete, Jackie's life has taken a downward spiral, leaving her with a shattered career and a haunting past. However, everything changes when she learns that the son she gave up for adoption as an infant has reappeared in her life.
Faced with the unexpected responsibility of being a mother, Jackie must confront her inner demons and find the strength to overcome her turbulent past. Determined to provide a better life for her son, she returns to the MMA ring, hoping to regain her former glory. As she fights her way back to the top, Jackie realizes that her redemption lies not only in the cage but also in her ability to confront her fears and heal her wounds.
Directed by Halle Berry herself, Bruised offers an intense and emotional portrayal of a woman's resilience and her unwavering determination to reclaim her life. With powerful performances and exhilarating fight sequences, this film takes viewers on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and personal triumph.
Prepare to be inspired as you witness Jackie's transformation from a disgraced fighter to a courageous warrior, all while she navigates the complexities of motherhood and confronts her darkest secrets. Bruised is a must-watch for fans of gripping dramas and empowering stories that celebrate the indomitable human spirit.
Also Known As:
BruisedRelease Date:
24 Nov 2021Writers:
Michelle RosenfarbAwards:
6 wins & 9 nominations