Bror is an exciting Swedish drama series that revolves around the lives of four young guys in a small town. The story takes an unexpected turn when they break into an abandoned house during a party and stumble upon a life-altering secret.
As the series progresses, the friends find themselves entangled in a web of deception and greed. Money becomes a driving force, replacing loyalty and honesty among the group. Their once unbreakable bond starts to crumble, and they are forced to question their relationships and values.
Bror is a thrilling exploration of how people's lives can change when faced with such temptations. Each character faces personal dilemmas as they grapple with the consequences of their actions. Throughout the series, viewers will witness the characters' transformation and witness the lengths they are willing to go to protect their newfound secret, ultimately testing the strength of their friendship.
With a compelling storyline and captivating performances, Bror will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. This Swedish drama delves into themes of loyalty, honesty, and the pursuit of wealth, offering viewers a thought-provoking and gripping viewing experience.
Also Known As:
BrorRelease Date:
19 Aug 2022Writers:
Hanna Lagerberg