Brews Brothers is a hilarious comedy series that revolves around two brothers, Wilhelm and Adam Rodman, who are forced to put their differences aside and work together to save their failing brewery, Rodman Brewing. As they navigate the challenges of running a business, their polar opposite personalities often clash, resulting in absurd and chaotic situations.
Wilhelm, an arrogant brewing prodigy with a refined palate, prides himself on creating unique and exquisite craft beers. On the other hand, Adam, a freewheeling slacker, prefers churning out bizarre concoctions using unconventional ingredients. Their conflicting approaches to brewing not only create tension between the brothers but also pose a risk to the brewery's success.
Alongside the brothers, a quirky cast of characters adds to the craziness. From an eccentric brewery staff to a relentless beer blogger, the brothers' world is filled with hilarious and outrageous encounters. As the series progresses, viewers are treated to an array of comedic mishaps, including disastrous tasting events, failed marketing attempts, and absurd brewery experiments.
Brews Brothers is a laugh-out-loud comedy that delves into the world of craft brewing while showcasing the hilarious clash between traditional and contemporary brewing methods. With its witty writing and zany characters, this series promises to keep audiences entertained with its non-stop laughter, making it a must-watch for comedy and beer enthusiasts alike.
Also Known As:
Brews BrothersRelease Date:
10 Apr 2020