Breakthrough (2015) is an anthology series that explores the remarkable innovations and discoveries made by leading scientists, offering a glimpse into the immediate future and beyond. Each episode of the series delves into the stories, people, and technological advancements behind these groundbreaking breakthroughs, revealing the profound impact they have on our world.
From the exploration of outer space to the frontiers of medical research, Breakthrough takes viewers on a compelling journey of scientific exploration. The series showcases a diverse range of topics, including artificial intelligence, renewable energy, genetics, and climate change, among others.
Viewers can expect to witness the awe-inspiring work of brilliant minds as they push the boundaries of what is possible. The series not only highlights the scientific achievements themselves but also delves into the personal and often untold stories of the individuals behind these breakthroughs.
Breakthrough aims to inspire and educate viewers about the transformative power of scientific discovery. By showcasing the cutting-edge innovations that are shaping our world, it emphasizes the potential for progress and improvement in various fields.
This streaming series provides an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of the scientific advancements that are revolutionizing our lives. Whether you have a passion for science or simply want to stay informed about the world's latest breakthroughs, Breakthrough is a captivating series that unveils the incredible potential of human ingenuity.
Also Known As:
BreakthroughRelease Date:
01 Nov 2015Awards:
Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. Another 1 win.