Breaking In (2018) is a heart-pounding thriller that follows the story of Shaun Russell (played by Gabrielle Union), a determined mother who finds herself in a battle to protect her family during a harrowing home invasion. After the sudden and tragic death of her father, Shaun takes her two children on a weekend getaway to his secluded mansion to sort out his estate. However, their peaceful retreat soon turns into a living nightmare when a group of ruthless criminals break into the house in search of a hidden fortune.
With the intruders holding her children hostage, Shaun's motherly instincts kick into high gear as she refuses to back down. Faced with the terrifying reality that the invaders will stop at nothing to achieve their goal, Shaun uses her intelligence and resourcefulness to outsmart the criminals and turn the tables in her favor. Determined and unyielding, she transforms into a force to be reckoned with as she breaks through the barriers and fights tooth and nail to protect her loved ones.
Directed by James McTeigue and produced by Will Packer, Breaking In is an intense, edge-of-your-seat thriller that keeps viewers on the edge from start to finish. Union delivers a captivating performance as a mother pushed to her limits, showcasing the strength and resilience of a woman whose only goal is to ensure the safety of her family.
Also Known As:
Breaking InRelease Date:
11 May 2018Writers:
Ryan Engle, Jaime Primak SullivanAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination