Breakable You (2017) is a heartfelt and complex film that delves into the lives of the Wellers, a vibrant family living in New York City. The movie intricately explores how each family member navigates their individual struggles and how it affects their relationships with one another.
The Wellers are comprised of Eleanor, a brilliant therapist played by Holly Hunter, her ex-husband Adam, a renowned playwright, their daughter Maud, who is desperate to connect with her distant father, and Maud's boyfriend, Henry, a struggling musician. As they grapple with personal traumas, their paths intersect and begin to unravel in unexpected ways.
The film's narrative beautifully examines themes of love, forgiveness, and the fragility of human relationships. It sheds light on the complexities of mental health and the power of therapy in healing wounds. Throughout the story, the characters learn to confront their pasts and confront their inner demons in order to rediscover themselves and forge stronger bonds with one another.
With its talented ensemble cast and poignant storytelling, Breakable You offers viewers a moving and thought-provoking cinematic experience. The film's exploration of human vulnerability and resilience will strike a chord with audiences, leaving them reflecting on the power of familial connections and the importance of self-discovery.
Also Known As:
Breakable YouRelease Date:
13 Mar 2018Writers:
Fred Parnes, Andrew Wagner