Boys from County Hell is a thrilling horror-comedy film set in the picturesque Irish town of Six Mile Hill. The story follows a crew of resilient road workers, led by a squabbling Father and Son, who stumble upon an ancient Irish vampire while undertaking their routine night shift.
As local legend would have it, the vampire is forever trapped beneath a mysterious cairn known as the Druid's Altar. However, when the crew accidentally disturbs the cairn, they unknowingly awaken the bloodthirsty creature. Now, they must band together to survive the night, battling the supernatural forces that have been unleashed.
This darkly humorous and suspenseful film explores the bonds of friendship and family as the crew faces not only the vampire but also their own personal demons. As they fight for their lives, secrets are revealed, tensions rise, and unexpected alliances are formed.
Boys from County Hell combines elements of horror and comedy, delivering an entertaining and refreshing take on the vampire genre. With its stunning Irish landscape and witty dialogue, the film offers a unique blend of scares and laughs that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Prepare to sink your teeth into this thrilling cinematic experience.