Set in the world of queer performance, Boylesque follows the story of Lulla La Polaca, an 80-year-old performer who is determined to keep dancing, playing, and loving, despite her aging body. Lulla La Polaca is portrayed as a vibrant and fearless soul who flirts with death but continues to search for the love of her life. The film explores themes of resilience, youthfulness, and the power of self-expression.
As Lulla La Polaca's body grows weaker, she faces the challenge of maintaining her passion and staying true to herself. The movie takes viewers on a journey through her struggles and triumphs as she navigates the world of queer performance. It showcases the strength and determination required to pursue one's dreams, even in the face of adversity.
Boylesque offers an intimate and heartfelt portrayal of Lulla La Polaca's life, incorporating elements of dance, music, and love. The film celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and their contributions to the arts while shedding light on the experiences of aging queer individuals.
With stunning performances and a powerful narrative, Boylesque captures the essence of resilience and the pursuit of happiness. It is a celebration of life and a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare to defy societal expectations. Experience the transformative journey of Lulla La Polaca as she embraces her true self and leaves an unforgettable mark on the world of queer performance.
Also Known As:
BoylesqueRelease Date:
15 Jun 2023Writers:
Bogna KowalczykAwards:
1 nomination