Bored to Death is a witty and offbeat comedy series that follows the life of Jonathan Ames, a struggling writer from Brooklyn who comes up with a unique way to overcome his creative block. In a desperate attempt to inject excitement into his life, Jonathan takes inspiration from old detective novels and poses as a private detective. With no experience or qualifications, he embarks on solving cases for clients who believe he is a genuine detective.
As Jonathan immerses himself in this new persona, he encounters a variety of eccentric characters and finds himself in increasingly bizarre situations. Alongside his best friends, Ray, a comic book artist, and George, a magazine editor, Jonathan navigates the humorous and unpredictable world of his self-created detective agency.
Throughout the series, viewers are treated to a blend of humor, mystery, and self-discovery as Jonathan's misadventures provide both comedic relief and moments of introspection. While his intentions are well-meaning, Jonathan's escapades often lead him into comical and unexpected predicaments.
Bored to Death offers a fresh and original take on the detective genre, showcasing the complexities of human relationships and the pursuit of self-fulfillment. With its clever writing, engaging characters, and unconventional premise, this series promises an entertaining and thought-provoking experience for viewers seeking an escape from the ordinary.
Also Known As:
Bored to DeathRelease Date:
20 Sep 2009Writers:
Jonathan AmesAwards:
Won 1 Primetime Emmy. Another 6 nominations.