Boost is a heartfelt coming-of-age film that takes place in Montreal. It follows the lives of two immigrant teenagers, Hakeem and A-Mac, who are like brothers, as they navigate the challenges of teenage boyhood and the harsh realities of their immigrant lives. The boys spend their after-school hours spotting cars, a practice that involves identifying unlocked vehicles and stealing them briefly, just for the thrill. Boost offers an authentic glimpse into the awkward and innocent adventures of these teenage boys.
However, their lives take an unexpected turn when they find themselves caught up in a dangerous crime. Innocence quickly dissolves as they are forced to face the consequences of their actions, leading them down a path of danger and self-discovery.
The film tackles themes of friendship, identity, and the struggle for belonging, with powerful performances by the young cast. It explores the complexities of growing up in a new country, dealing with cultural differences, and the pressure to fit in. Boost is an emotional journey that will resonate with viewers of all ages, reminding us of the choices we make and their lasting impact on our lives.
With its engaging storytelling and captivating cinematography, Boost is a must-watch film that offers a unique perspective on the challenges faced by immigrant teenagers and the choices they are forced to make.
Also Known As:
BoostRelease Date:
27 Oct 2017Writers:
Darren Curtis