In Boo! A Madea Halloween (2016), the infamous Madea finds herself in the middle of chaos as she spends a haunted Halloween protecting herself and her teenage great-niece from menacing characters from the other side. In this hilarious and spooky adventure, Madea must fend off killers, paranormal poltergeists, ghosts, ghouls, and even zombies.
As Madea tries to maintain her composure and keep everyone safe, her witty and no-nonsense personality shines through. With her signature sass and fearless attitude, Madea fearlessly confronts the horrors that surround her, providing plenty of laughs along the way.
However, as she battles the supernatural, Madea must also keep an eye on her unruly teenage great-niece, who is determined to attend a scandalous Halloween party. This adds an element of tension and hilarity as Madea tries to simultaneously protect her niece and prevent her from making questionable decisions.
Boo! A Madea Halloween is a perfect mix of comedy and scares, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a lighthearted Halloween entertainment. Audiences can expect plenty of laughs, as well as heartwarming moments, as Madea's unique character shines through in the face of spooky mayhem.
Also Known As:
Boo! A Madea HalloweenRelease Date:
21 Oct 2016Writers:
Tyler PerryAwards:
6 nominations