In the Australian TV series Bloom, an idyllic country town is forever changed a year after a devastating flood claims the lives of five locals. The town is left reeling from the tragedy, until a mysterious new plant suddenly emerges. This extraordinary plant possesses an incredible power - it has the ability to restore youth. The town becomes consumed by the discovery, as residents grapple with the moral and ethical implications of this miraculous phenomenon.
As word spreads about the plant's transformative properties, people are faced with a difficult decision - should they embrace the opportunity for a second chance at life and youthful rejuvenation, or should they resist its allure and re-evaluate their own values? The plant's formidable ability forces the residents to confront their past mistakes, regrets, and desires. It ignites a conflict between those who seek to control and exploit its power for personal gain, and those who believe it should be left untouched, wary of its potential consequences.
Bloom is a thought-provoking and captivating drama that explores themes of mortality, regret, and the pursuit of eternal youth. Set against the backdrop of a small country town, the show delves into the complexities of human nature and the choices we make when faced with extraordinary opportunities. Get ready to embark on a journey that will challenge your beliefs and leave you questioning the true meaning of life.
Also Known As:
BloomRelease Date:
01 Jan 2019Writers:
Glen DolmanAwards:
3 wins & 7 nominations.