This gripping movie, Blood & Oil (2015), is based on true events and tells the extraordinary story of the first oil well ever drilled in Nigeria. Set in a small village in the Nigerian Delta called Oloibiri, the film explores the profound impact that this oil discovery had on the lives of the villagers and all those involved.
The film delves into the lives of the local villagers, their struggles, and their dreams. Through the eyes of the villagers, we witness how the discovery of oil brings hope, but also how it brings corruption, greed, and destruction. As the oil industry expands, the villagers are caught in the crossfire between powerful international companies and the Nigerian government, as they fight for their rights and their land.
Told with authenticity and raw emotion, Blood & Oil sheds light on the socio-economic and environmental consequences of oil exploitation in Nigeria. It offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human cost of progress and poses important questions about the responsibility of multinational corporations and the role of the government in safeguarding its citizens' welfare.
This remarkable movie provides a compelling and eye-opening glimpse into a forgotten chapter of history that shaped the destiny of an entire nation. From the performances to the cinematography, Blood & Oil will leave viewers both enlightened and moved by its powerful storytelling.
Also Known As:
OloibiriRelease Date:
01 Jan 2015Writers:
Samantha IwowoAwards:
1 win & 4 nominations