Blade Runner: Black Lotus is an animated series set in the dystopian future world of Blade Runner, taking place 17 years before the events of the film Blade Runner 2049. This highly anticipated series delves into the gripping world of humans and replicants, exploring the complex interactions between the two.
In this prequel story, viewers are introduced to a brand new protagonist named Elle, a mysterious young woman with no memories of her past. Elle embarks on a journey to uncover her own identity and seek the truth about her origins, all while navigating a city filled with danger, corruption, and advanced technology.
As Elle delves deeper into the gritty underbelly of this futuristic Los Angeles, she encounters various characters from the Blade Runner universe, including familiar faces such as the enigmatic Dizzy and the relentless LAPD Officer Gaff. Their paths intertwine, leading them on a perilous adventure that questions the nature of humanity and the ethics of creating artificial life.
Blade Runner: Black Lotus, with stunning animation and a riveting storyline, captivates audiences with its atmospheric visuals and thought-provoking themes. As the series unfolds, it explores the origins of replicants, their struggle for autonomy, and the existential questions surrounding their existence.
Immerse yourself in the Blade Runner universe with Blade Runner: Black Lotus, a mesmerizing animated series that brings a fresh perspective to the iconic cyberpunk saga.
Also Known As:
Blade Runner: Black LotusRelease Date:
13 Nov 2021