Blackballed is a thought-provoking documentary series that delves into the intricate cultural context of race in America by examining one of the most significant events in recent sports history. This gripping series offers a raw and unfiltered look at the fallout from the scandalous racist incident that took place during the 2002 Ultimate Frisbee World Championships.
Led by charismatic player Karyn Weber, the film explores the racial dynamics and power struggles within the world of competitive Ultimate Frisbee. Through interviews with key players and experts, it shines a light on the historical and ongoing challenges faced by Black athletes in predominantly white sports.
The series not only dissects the incident itself but also delves into the aftermath and the ensuing debates that unfolded in the Ultimate Frisbee community. It reveals the blacklisting and personal struggles that Karyn and her teammates endured as they fought for justice and equality.
Blackballed provides viewers with a deeper understanding of the complex nature of racism in America and the impact it has on individuals and communities. It encourages important conversations about systemic racism, privilege, and activism.
This compelling documentary series is a must-watch for anyone interested in the intersection of race, sports, and social justice. It sheds light on a lesser-known sports scandal while offering a broader examination of the racial issues that persist in our society today.
Also Known As:
BlackballedRelease Date:
18 May 2020