Black Nativity (2013) tells the heartwarming story of a street-smart teenager from Baltimore who embarks on a transformative journey during the Christmas season. Raised by a single mother, the young protagonist sets off to spend the holiday in New York City with his estranged relatives. Along the way, he is faced with unexpected challenges and discovers the true meaning of family and faith.
Directed by Kasi Lemmons, this musical drama combines elements of the Nativity story and contemporary urban life. The film features a star-studded cast including Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, and Jennifer Hudson, who deliver powerful performances that captivate audiences.
As the teen immerses himself in his relatives' world, he is exposed to the joy and struggles that come with family unity. Through music and song, he learns to confront his own fears and resentments, ultimately finding clarity and redemption. The film's soul-stirring gospel music and breathtaking visuals add to its emotional impact, providing viewers with a memorable and uplifting experience.
Black Nativity is a tale of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the power of love, serving as a reminder of the importance of embracing one's roots and finding strength in unity. This unique and inspiring holiday film is sure to touch the hearts of audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Black NativityRelease Date:
27 Nov 2013Writers:
Langston Hughes, Kasi LemmonsAwards:
2 wins & 5 nominations