In the movie Black Friday (2021), chaos ensues as a group of toy store employees find themselves in a battle for survival against a relentless army of infected shoppers. This thrilling horror-comedy takes place on the infamous day after Thanksgiving, as it symbolizes the annual shopping frenzy known as Black Friday.
As the doors of a popular toy store swing open, the employees are plunged into a nightmarish situation. A mysterious parasite has infected the customers, turning them into bloodthirsty creatures. Now the staff must band together, using their wit and resourcefulness, to fend off these crazed shoppers and protect each other at all costs.
The film showcases intense and suspenseful moments as the employees find themselves trapped inside the store, desperately navigating through the aisles and hiding spots to evade the infected horde. As the night progresses, tensions rise, and the group must rely on their grit and teamwork to survive until the morning.
Black Friday is a thrilling blend of horror and comedy, serving up gruesome scenes coupled with witty dialogue and unexpected twists. With an ensemble cast, including popular actors and comedians, the film offers a unique and entertaining take on the horrors of one of America's most notorious shopping days. Get ready to experience the mayhem and excitement as this group of toy store employees fights to stay alive against the infected shoppers in Black Friday.
Also Known As:
Black FridayRelease Date:
24 Sep 2021Writers:
Andy Greskoviak