Biker Boyz is an adrenaline-pumping film that tells the story of Manuel Galloway, aka the King of Cali, who leads a motorcycle club comprised of African-American professionals. During the day, these men work in white-collar jobs, but in their free time, they transform into fierce riders clad in leather outfits and helmets. The movie centers around Manuel's quest to defend his championship title at an exhilarating drag-racing event in Fresno.
As the King of Cali, Manuel is not only the leader of the motorcycle club but also a respected figure in the biking community. He is known for his exceptional riding skills and unwavering determination. However, his reign is threatened by Kid, a young talented rider who challenges him for his title and reputation.
Filled with intense racing sequences and edge-of-your-seat action, Biker Boyz showcases the high-stakes world of underground motorcycle racing. The film delves into the struggles and rivalries within the biking community, while also exploring the bonds between fathers and sons.
With its thrilling storyline and dynamic characters, Biker Boyz is a must-watch for fans of adrenaline-fueled dramas. Get ready to rev your engines and experience the exhilaration of the race tracks in this mythic motorcycle tale.