Big Love is a captivating drama series that explores the complex dynamics of a polygamist family. Set in a contemporary suburban neighborhood, the show revolves around the life of Bill Henrickson, a successful businessman living in Utah. Bill embarks on the challenging journey of maintaining a harmonious relationship with his three wives, Barb, Nicki, and Margene.
The series delves into the daily struggles faced by this unconventional family as they navigate their own desires, societal expectations, and deeply held beliefs. While Bill genuinely loves his wives and children, he must constantly balance their emotional needs, the threat of exposure, and the pressure from the larger polygamist community.
As the show progresses, viewers witness the delicate balance of power and vulnerability within the Henrickson family. Deep-rooted traditions, secret relationships, and romantic entanglements surface, further complicating an already intricate narrative. Each character grapples with personal growth, identity, and searches for happiness in a world that often misunderstands and judges them.
Big Love skillfully blends powerful performances with thought-provoking storylines, providing an intimate glimpse into the lives of polygamists. This critically acclaimed series immerses viewers in a world where love, loyalty, faith, and sacrifice are tested, resulting in a captivating and sometimes controversial viewing experience.
Also Known As:
Big LoveRelease Date:
12 Mar 2006Writers:
Mark V. Olsen, Will SchefferAwards:
Won 1 Golden Globe. Another 6 wins & 45 nominations.