Embark on a breathtaking adventure with pilot JP Schulze and filmmaker Louis Cole as they set out to travel around the world in their trusty plane, Balloo. In Beyond Borders, the film, the duo has just 90 days to complete their ambitious journey and along the way, they encounter people from diverse cultures across continents.
With each encounter, JP and Louis pose a thought-provoking question: is what separates us stronger than what unites us? As they delve into the lives of these individuals, they aim to explore the common threads that connect all of humanity.
This remarkable documentary captures the awe-inspiring landscapes and the heartfelt stories shared by the people they meet. From bustling cities to remote villages, audiences are taken on an unforgettable expedition to uncover the universal qualities that bind us together.
Beyond Borders showcases the power of human connection in a world often divided by borders and differences. Featuring stunning cinematography and a captivating narrative, this film promises to be an enlightening and empowering experience.
Prepare to be captivated by the human stories that transcend boundaries and discover the overwhelming beauty of our shared humanity. Join JP and Louis as they take flight on an adventure that will leave you questioning what truly brings us together.
Experience the most-watched general aviation event of the decade with Beyond Borders, the film.