In the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008), viewers are taken on a delightful adventure with Chloe, a pampered chihuahua from Beverly Hills who gets lost during a vacation in Mexico. As she navigates the unfamiliar streets and encounters various challenges, Chloe must rely on the help of new friends to find her way back home.
Throughout the film, audiences are treated to a heartwarming story of friendship, courage, and self-discovery as Chloe learns valuable lessons about loyalty and bravery. Along the way, she forms unexpected bonds with a diverse group of characters who come together to support her during her journey.
With its charming storyline and lovable characters, Beverly Hills Chihuahua offers a mix of humor, adventure, and heartwarming moments that will appeal to viewers of all ages. As Chloe faces obstacles and overcomes adversity, she proves that with determination and the support of friends, anything is possible.
Join Chloe on her exciting quest to find her way back home in Beverly Hills Chihuahua, a family-friendly film that is sure to entertain and inspire.
Also Known As:
Beverly Hills ChihuahuaRelease Date:
03 Oct 2008Writers:
Analisa LaBianco, Jeffrey BushellAwards:
3 wins & 6 nominations