Benjamin's is a delightful Swedish reality show that combines the love for food and music. Hosted by popstar Benjamin Ingrosso, each episode features Benjamin inviting a different Swedish celebrity to his dinner table for a memorable culinary experience.
In every episode, Benjamin showcases his culinary skills and passion for food as he prepares a delicious three-course meal for his guest. With a warm and welcoming atmosphere, the show captures the essence of a cozy dinner party where conversations flow freely, laughter fills the room, and friendships are formed. The guests include a diverse range of Swedish celebrities, from actors to musicians, ensuring a variety of personalities and interesting discussions.
Benjamin's charm and genuine interest in his guests' lives create an intimate and relaxed setting where they can open up and share their stories. As the guests indulge in Benjamin's delectable creations, viewers are treated to an insider's look at the lives of these famous individuals beyond their public personas.
The show's format strikes a perfect balance between food and conversation, with Benjamin skillfully guiding the discussions while also offering interesting insights into the culinary world. The combination of great food, entertaining interactions, and the infectious energy of Benjamin Ingrosso makes Benjamin's a must-watch show for fans of food, music, and celebrity culture alike.
Also Known As:
Benjamin'sRelease Date:
22 Feb 2021