Behind the Curve (2018) is a thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on a growing community of people who firmly believe that the Earth is flat. Directed by Daniel J. Clark, the film introduces us to real Flat Earthers, challenging the stereotypes often associated with conspiracy theorists. Mark Sargent, one of the most prominent Flat Earthers, takes the viewers on a journey through the world of this controversial belief system.
As the film unfolds, we witness the first Flat Earther conference, where Sargent proudly shares his views amidst the backdrop of an upcoming Solar Eclipse. Through interviews and personal stories, we gain a deeper understanding of the motivations and perspectives of these individuals. The documentary also explores the influence of social media platforms in fueling the growth of the Flat Earth movement.
Behind the Curve skilfully avoids taking sides or ridiculing its subjects. Instead, it encourages viewers to critically examine the notion of skepticism in society and explore the psychology behind conspiracy theories. By presenting a balanced and non-judgmental portrayal of the Flat Earth community, the film encourages an open dialogue on belief systems and the search for truth.
This thought-provoking documentary challenges viewers to question their own beliefs, encourages critical thinking, and provides a fascinating glimpse into a little-known community that continues to raise eyebrows. Behind the Curve is a must-watch for anyone intrigued by conspiracy theories and their effects on society.
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Behind the CurveRelease Date:
15 Nov 2018