Becoming Cousteau (2021) provides a captivating glimpse into the life of renowned explorer and environmentalist, Jacques Cousteau. The documentary showcases his extraordinary adventures, deep-rooted passions, groundbreaking achievements, and personal tribulations. Through newly restored archival footage, viewers are given an intimate look at Cousteau's pioneering work in marine conservation, his love for the ocean, and his relentless dedication to protecting the environment.
From his early days as a navy officer to his iconic role as a filmmaker and oceanographer, Cousteau's journey is depicted with both awe-inspiring moments and heart-wrenching setbacks. The film delves into his transformative experiences beneath the sea, showcasing the beauty and importance of marine life while also shedding light on the pressing environmental issues that threatened the oceans during Cousteau's lifetime.
Overall, Becoming Cousteau is a poignant and enlightening portrayal of a man who shaped our understanding of the underwater world and inspired generations to protect our planet. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in Cousteau's legacy and the impact of his work on marine conservation.
Also Known As:
Becoming CousteauRelease Date:
24 Nov 2021Writers:
Mark Monroe, Pax WassermannAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award2 wins & 13 nominations total