In Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, Belle, the beloved Disney princess, discovers that the Beast despises the holiday season due to a painful past. Determined to restore his faith in Christmas, Belle embarks on a heartwarming journey to bring joy to the Beast's castle during the festive period.
As the enchanting tale unfolds, Belle and the castle's enchanted objects, such as Lumiere and Mrs. Potts, work together to plan a magical Christmas celebration. Along the way, they encounter various challenges, including a wicked organ named Forte who attempts to foil their plans.
With her kind spirit and unwavering determination, Belle proves to be a beacon of hope for the Beast, reminding him of the true meaning of Christmas. Through her efforts, she helps him uncover the power of love and forgiveness, teaching us all valuable lessons about compassion and acceptance.
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas is a heartwarming holiday film that captures the essence of the classic fairy tale. With its enchanting animation, unforgettable characters, and a beautiful original soundtrack, this movie is sure to charm audiences of all ages.
Join Belle and the Beast on their incredible journey, and let the magic of Christmas illuminate your heart with joy and wonder.
Also Known As:
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted ChristmasRelease Date:
11 Nov 1997Writers:
Flip Kobler, Cindy Marcus, Bill Motz, Bob Roth, Carter Crocker, Karl GeursAwards:
2 wins & 6 nominations.