Beat is a thrilling German crime-drama series that takes place in Berlin's vibrant techno scene. The story revolves around Beat, a charismatic promoter who works at the city's most renowned techno club, frequently immersing himself in the wild party scene. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he is approached by European Secret Services to become an undercover insider.
Reluctantly, Beat accepts the dangerous task, thrusting himself into a world of secrets, corruption, and betrayal. As he delves deeper into his mission, he uncovers a shocking web of deceit within his own close network. With each revelation, Beat's personal limits are pushed to the edge, blurring the lines between his undercover role and his own identity.
Throughout the series, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey, filled with adrenaline-pumping club scenes, clandestine meetings, and heart-stopping confrontations. Beat's character development becomes central to the story as he struggles to maintain his sense of self while finding himself torn between his loyalty to the underground scene and his new role as a spy.
With its gripping storyline, superb acting, and electrifying atmosphere, Beat is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and techno music. Prepare to be captivated by the dark underworld of Berlin's nightlife, where no one can be trusted and the stakes are extremely high.
Catch the exhilarating series Beat, available to stream on Prime Video from 2018.