In the movie Baxter (1989), an elderly woman receives a white bull terrier named Baxter from her daughter. However, as time goes by, the seemingly innocent dog starts exhibiting aggressive and even murderous behavior. Baxter becomes determined to find a new family to adopt him, and he takes drastic measures to achieve his goal.
As the story unfolds, we witness Baxter's dangerous and manipulative nature. He manipulates his owner and orchestrates a series of fatal encounters with humans and animals in order to increase his chances of being placed with a new family. This dark and disturbing behavior raises questions about the nature of animals and the possible evil that can reside within them.
The film explores themes of loyalty, human-animal relationships, and the dark side of humanity. Its unique perspective, through the eyes of a dog, offers a chilling and thought-provoking experience for viewers. Baxter's actions challenge our preconceived notions about dogs as loyal companions, leaving us to ponder the complexities of their behavior and the extent to which they can be influenced by their environment.
Directed by Jérôme Boivin, Baxter (1989) is a gripping and unsettling film that pushes the boundaries of conventional storytelling. Its unique premise and intense atmosphere make it a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers and dark dramas.
Also Known As:
BaxterRelease Date:
18 Jan 1989Writers:
Jacques Audiard, Jérôme Boivin, Ken GreenhallAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination