In Battlestar Galactica (1978-1979), the story unfolds after the Twelve Colonies of Mankind are obliterated, leaving the remnants of humanity in disarray. With their homes destroyed, the survivors face an uncertain future as they struggle for survival. Taking center stage is the last remaining major fighter carrier, which becomes the beacon of hope for the remaining humans. This carrier leads a fugitive fleet, composed of a makeshift group of survivors, as they embark on a perilous journey in search of Earth, the mythical planet believed to hold the key to their salvation.
Throughout their desperate search, the fleet encounters numerous challenges, including hostile alien species, treacherous environments, and internal conflicts. With every step they take, the stakes are raised, putting their very existence on the line. As they navigate the vastness of space, the characters undergo immense personal growth while grappling with ethical dilemmas, political tensions, and the weight of leadership.
Battlestar Galactica (1978-1979) captivates viewers with its gripping narrative, combining elements of science fiction, action, and drama. The series explores themes of resilience, loyalty, and the unyielding human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity. With stunning visual effects and a compelling ensemble cast, Battlestar Galactica paints a vivid picture of a post-apocalyptic universe, as the characters strive to find a new home, weaving a tale of hope, survival, and the quest for redemption.
Also Known As:
Battlestar GalacticaRelease Date:
17 Sep 1978Writers:
Glen A. LarsonAwards:
Won 2 Primetime Emmys. 3 wins & 8 nominations total