In Batman & Robin, the dynamic duo of Batman and Robin reunite to protect Gotham City from its villains. However, tensions emerge between the crime-fighting partners, particularly when a seductive villainess named Poison Ivy enters the scene. Poison Ivy possesses the ability to make anyone fall in love with her, placing a strain on the relationship between Batman and Robin.
Additionally, the icy villain Mr. Freeze poses a threat to Gotham City. His desire to achieve his own goals leads him to freeze everything in his path. With these formidable adversaries challenging them, Batman and Robin must find a way to put their differences aside and work together to save the city.
This action-packed film showcases the iconic characters from the Batman universe while exploring the complexities of their partnership. The plot unfolds with gripping suspense and high-stakes encounters, as Batman and Robin strive to protect Gotham City against the dangerous forces that threaten its peace.
Without giving away any spoilers, Batman & Robin offers a thrilling and visually stunning cinematic experience. Fans of the Batman franchise will be captivated by the gripping storyline, intense action sequences, and the on-screen chemistry between the dynamic crime-fighting duo. Get ready to witness the epic battle between good and evil in the battle for Gotham City's future.
Also Known As:
Batman & RobinRelease Date:
20 Jun 1997Writers:
Bob Kane (Batman characters), Akiva GoldsmanAwards:
10 wins & 22 nominations.