In the action-packed comedy Barely Lethal, Megan Walsh, played by Hailee Steinfeld, has been groomed from a young age to become an international assassin for a covert organization called Hardman. However, while on a mission, Megan starts to question her chosen path when she sees how other teenagers her age are living carefree lives filled with joy and excitement. Determined to experience a normal life, Megan decides to escape from her dangerous profession and enrolls in a student exchange program.
During her undercover operation, Megan finds herself in the midst of high school life, navigating the challenges and pressures of teenagehood. From forming new friendships to struggling with popularity and falling in love, Megan must adapt to this unfamiliar world while still concealing her true identity as a highly trained killer.
Directed by Kyle Newman, Barely Lethal is a hilarious and action-packed film that combines elements of comedy, romance, and adventure. With a talented ensemble cast including Sophie Turner, Thomas Mann, and Samuel L. Jackson, this movie guarantees to keep audiences entertained and on the edge of their seats.
Join Megan on her thrilling journey as she discovers the true meaning of friendship, love, and the importance of being true to oneself. Don't miss out on the excitement and laughter that await in Barely Lethal - a must-watch film for fans of action-comedies.
Also Known As:
Barely LethalRelease Date:
30 Apr 2015Writers:
John D'Arco