In the enchanting world of Barbie: Dolphin Magic, Barbie and her siblings embark on an extraordinary underwater escapade. Barbie's boyfriend, Ken, is undertaking a summer internship at a coral reef, where he studies dolphins. When Barbie and her sisters dive into the reef, they stumble upon a rare wonder - rainbow-colored dolphins that visit the reef once a year. The magical sight inspires them to delve deeper into the importance of preserving the coral and the diverse marine life within it.
Their exploration takes an unexpected turn when they encounter Isla, a mysteriously captivating new friend, who shares their passion for coral preservation. However, Isla hides a remarkable secret - she is actually a mermaid. Without delay, Isla calls upon Barbie and her sisters to join forces with her and the gemstone dolphins in a race against time to save the day.
Barbie: Dolphin Magic combines adventure, friendship, and environmental awareness in a heartwarming tale that highlights the significance of protecting our oceans. Join Barbie and her sisters on this magical journey as they navigate the deep sea, discover extraordinary creatures, and learn invaluable lessons about the beauty of nature.
Also Known As:
Barbie: Dolphin MagicRelease Date:
18 Sep 2017Writers:
Jennifer Skelly, Kacey Arnold (additional writing)