In Bandidas (2006), set in turn-of-the-century Mexico, two unlikely heroines join forces and become a formidable bank-robbing duo to save their town from a notorious enforcer. The film follows Sara Sandoval, a sophisticated and educated woman from a wealthy family, and Maria Alvarez, a feisty and brave peasant girl. Despite their differences, they share a common goal: to stop Tyler Jackson, a merciless enforcer bent on taking over their town.
Sara and Maria embark on a thrilling adventure, developing their skills in gunfighting and strategic planning. With their charismatic and relentless determination, they outwit the corrupt authorities and successfully rob various banks, redistributing the stolen wealth to the poor. Along the way, they find an unexpected ally in Quentin Cooke, a dashing investigator working to bring Jackson to justice.
Directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, Bandidas is an action-packed Western comedy that combines elements of romance, humor, and female empowerment. Penélope Cruz brings Sara to life with her elegance and intelligence, while Salma Hayek showcases Maria's fierce spirit. Together, they form a dynamic duo that challenges the gender norms of their time.
Bandidas delivers thrilling action sequences, witty dialogue, and an entertaining storyline that keeps audiences engaged from start to finish. With its blend of action, comedy, and girl power, this film has something for everyone. So saddle up and join Sara and Maria on their daring quest to bring justice to their town!
Also Known As:
BandidasRelease Date:
18 Jan 2006Writers:
Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen