Set in East Germany in 1979, Ballon is a thrilling and tense drama based on true events. The film centers around two families who are determined to escape from the oppressive regime and make a treacherous journey from the East to the West. After an initial failed attempt to flee in a self-built hot-air balloon, they must gather their courage and resources to make a second and final bid for freedom.
As the families plan their escape, they constantly evade the watchful eye of the East German State Police, who are hot on their trail. This chase creates a nail-biting atmosphere throughout the film, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.
Ballon beautifully captures the reality of life in a divided Germany during the Cold War era. Its impeccable set design and attention to detail transport viewers back to that time, providing a vivid portrayal of the struggles faced by those living under an oppressive regime.
With its engaging plot, stellar performances, and breathtaking cinematography, Ballon is a must-see film that explores themes of hope, resilience, and the lengths people will go to for freedom. Don't miss this heart-pounding and inspiring story of bravery and determination.
Also Known As:
BalloonRelease Date:
27 Sep 2018Writers:
Kit Hopkins, Thilo Röscheisen, Michael HerbigAwards:
3 wins & 2 nominations