Lost Bullet is an action-packed French thriller released in 2020. The movie follows a former delinquent who has now become a skilled police mechanic for a specialized task force. His job involves souping up cars used by the police in high-speed pursuits. However, his life takes a deadly turn when his mentor is brutally murdered by corrupt cops.
Now, our protagonist finds himself in a race against time to prove his innocence and expose the dirty cops behind the crime. With the help of his expert car knowledge and his resourcefulness, he embarks on a thrilling mission to clear his name and seek justice for his mentor's death.
Throughout the film, viewers will be enthralled by intense action sequences and high-octane car chases, set against a backdrop of a deeply corrupt police force. As our protagonist's own past begins to catch up with him, he must navigate treacherous alliances and outsmart his adversaries to survive.
Lost Bullet offers a gripping narrative that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With its heart-pounding action and a compelling lead performance, this French thriller is a must-watch for fans of adrenaline-filled cinema.
Also Known As:
Balle perdueWriters:
Guillaume Pierret