In the movie Bag of Lies (2024), Matt is faced with a heartbreaking dilemma as his wife's health deteriorates. In a desperate attempt to save her life, he turns to The Bag, an ancient relic rumored to possess powerful dark magic. The cure for his wife comes at a chilling cost, requiring Matt to follow strict rules and perform a terrifying ritual. As his wife's health improves, Matt's mental state begins to unravel, leading to haunting consequences that he could have never imagined. Will Matt be able to maintain his sanity and save his wife, or will The Bag's dark magic consume him entirely? Bag of Lies explores the lengths a man will go to in order to save the one he loves, delving into themes of sacrifice, morality, and the consequences of dabbling in forces beyond our control. Discover the chilling tale of Matt and The Bag in this gripping and suspenseful thriller.
Also Known As:
Bag of LiesRelease Date:
02 Apr 2024Writers:
David Andrew James, Nick Laughlin, Joe Zappa