Bad Mothers is a comedy-drama television series that follows the lives of a group of misfit women who form an unlikely friendship. In a world where expectations of motherhood are high, these women come together to support each other through the challenges they face in their personal and professional lives.
The series explores themes of romance, work-life balance, and the complexities of parenthood, all while keeping viewers engaged with a murder mystery subplot. With their resilience and determination, these women rise above societal pressures and prove that they can navigate the ups and downs of life with humor and grace.
Led by the dynamic Sarah, the group of bad mothers includes Danielle, a glamorous stay-at-home mom, and Bindy, a rebellious single mother. Together, they offer each other a unique support system, tackling their individual struggles head-on. From dealing with demanding bosses to juggling relationships, these women find solace and understanding in their bond.
Throughout the series, the women uncover secrets and face unexpected challenges that test their friendship and resolve. With a blend of humor and heart, Bad Mothers serves as a reminder that no matter how imperfect life may be, the power of friendship can triumph over any obstacle.
Prepare to be entertained by this hilarious and heartwarming series as these bad mothers prove that being imperfect is what makes them exceptional.
Also Known As:
Bad MothersWriters:
Rachel Lang, Gavin Strawhan