Bad Hair Day is a hilarious buddy comedy that takes viewers on an unexpected adventure. The story centers around a clever high school tech prodigy named Monica, whose prom night takes a surprising turn when she wakes up to discover that her once-perfect hair has become a disaster. Desperate to fix her hair before prom, Monica finds herself crossing paths with a struggling police officer, Liz, and an elusive jewel thief.
As Monica and Liz race against the clock to solve the mystery of Monica's hair and recover the stolen jewelry, they form an unlikely bond and become an unstoppable duo. Along the way, they encounter outrageous obstacles and hilarious situations, making their night an unforgettable rollercoaster ride.
This movie is filled with comedic moments, thrilling action sequences, and heartwarming friendships. The dynamic between Monica and Liz brings humor and charm to the story, while their quest to regain control over the situation keeps the audience engaged. Bad Hair Day is a light-hearted and entertaining film that guarantees a fun and enjoyable experience for viewers of all ages.
Also Known As:
Bad Hair DayRelease Date:
13 Feb 2015Writers:
Matt Eddy, Billy Eddy, Eric M. Gardner