In the fun-filled family adventure, Back to the Jurassic, siblings Ernie, Julia, and Max embark on an unexpected journey through time when they stumble upon a time-machine. Their accidental activation transports them a staggering 65 million years into the past, where they find themselves in the age of dinosaurs.
Upon arrival, the trio is warmly adopted by a nurturing dinosaur mother and her mischievous dinosaur son. As they try to adjust to their prehistoric surroundings, they encounter a thrilling array of lovable and fearsome dinosaurs, each with its own unique personality.
Meanwhile, back in the present day, their parents scramble to come up with a plan to rescue their children from the clutches of the prehistoric era.
As Ernie, Julia, and Max adapt to their new dinosaur family, they soon realize the importance of family and the bonds that transcend time itself. Together, they must find a way to reunite with their human parents and make it back to their own time.
Back to the Jurassic is a delightful tale of adventure, friendship, and the enduring power of family that will captivate audiences of all ages. Prepare to be transported to a world where dinosaurs once roamed and where the bonds of love and loyalty are put to the ultimate test.