Back to Life (2019–) is a half-hour comedy series that follows the life of Miri Matteson, who returns home after spending 18 years in prison. Miri finds herself in a small coastal town, where she must navigate through her past and rebuild her life from scratch. The show offers an insightful and humorous exploration of adult life, as Miri faces a series of challenges and attempts to find her place in society.
The series provides a fresh perspective on second chances and redemption, as Miri grapples with the consequences of her past actions and strives to reintegrate into society. Viewers will witness her struggles and triumphs as she navigates her relationships with family, friends, and the community.
Set in a claustrophobic coastal town, the show captures the unique atmosphere of a small community, where gossip spreads quickly and secrets are hard to keep. The series cleverly weaves together the comedic and dramatic moments of Miri's life, creating a compelling narrative that keeps viewers engaged.
Back to Life is a thought-provoking and character-driven comedy series that offers a unique and relatable take on second chances and personal growth. With its captivating storyline and well-developed characters, the show is sure to keep audiences entertained and invested in Miri's journey.
Also Known As:
Back to LifeRelease Date:
10 Nov 2019Writers:
Daisy HaggardAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations