Baby Assassins (2021) follows the story of Chisato and Mahilo, two talented high school girls on the verge of graduation. Little do their classmates know, they both possess extraordinary assassin skills. However, their lives take an unexpected turn when their organization decides to assign them to share a room.
As the girls are forced to coexist, their once harmonious relationship becomes fraught with tension and conflict. The clash of their personalities leads to a breakdown in communication, jeopardizing their mission success and putting their lives at risk.
The film explores the complexities of their dual identities, as they navigate the challenges of maintaining a secretive assassin lifestyle while attempting to maintain a semblance of normalcy within the confines of high school life. Chisato and Mahilo must confront their differences, confront their pasts, and learn to trust each other if they want to survive both their final year of high school and the dangerous missions that lie ahead.
Directed by [Director's Name], Baby Assassins blends elements of action, suspense, and coming-of-age drama to deliver a thrilling and heartwarming tale of friendship, loyalty, and self-discovery. This action-packed film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness the transformation of two teenage girls into formidable assassins.
Also Known As:
Baby AssassinsRelease Date:
14 Jul 2023Writers:
Yugo SakamotoAwards:
1 win